Dragon Kingdoms: A Legend's Beginning is an RPG that seeks to recapture a long-gone era when games were more than just graphics and FMV cutscenes. It takes place on a world that has been nearly torn apart by a war that happened long ago, between thirteen races, of which only a few remain.
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2023 年 9 月 30 日







“While the core of the game will be playable to the end of the first island, other features and optional areas are likely to be added during the Early Access period.

There's already a few features in the beginning stages such as fishing, which has one test event and should be expanded in coming months, fast travel, which currently has several shrines the player can interact with to quickly return to town.

There are five floors completed of a cavern that is said to reach the bottom of the planet- if it has a bottom at all. There is one quest available where you help a local citizen defeat some slimes that are slowing construction through a mountain. There's one planned where you take on a bird that could carry the entire party (and then some) away on its wings.

It is hoped that, with customer and community feedback, interest in said areas will help prioritize and expand on the planned features, as main areas are expanded on as well.

As it stands, by the end of Q1 2024 (that's March) I look to have the first island 100% completed and the second island perhaps 50% completed.

By the end of Q2 (June) that should improve to 100% for the second island and get the game into a state where it is technically possible to beat the game.

Finally, by Q3 (September 2024) the whole island chain should be completed, with the option to beat the game by taking on one of the giants in their hometown of Langston, where if you can beat one, you're powerful enough to take on the end boss.”


“I'm aiming for at least six months to a year, less if there is little interest from the community for the optional features, and more if those features are in higher demand.”


“The core of the game should be playable to its end, and at least some optional content should be added.

Such as the fishing minigame, where you start off with a default rod and bait but can upgrade through the game and eventually even catch a 'fish' big enough to pull the player character into the water. Perhaps they could even fish in acid pools and magma lakes in the underworld.

Spelunking, where there's a cave that is said to go down endlessly, even to the core of the planet? Even if not that far, the monsters do get progressively tougher... besides that one cave, there are numerous others planned that can reach an inner world of sorts, the first one known as the Ekalland (Lake backwards.)

Questing, where you can help people in need, maybe by slaying a few slimes, a gigantic bird that has been causing trouble in the area, or even investigating this 'The Traveler' guy that seems to follow the party's every step. Quests could take you into the Skyhaven (a world full of clouds and beings that call those that live below 'Groundlings') up above, the underworld, or across a magical barrier sealing several islands and sub-continents from the world proper.

There should be minimaps added for easier navigation, multiple forms of fast travel versus the two that are partially present currently, and maybe even some optional areas, such as an area of obsidian islets that are the cooled remnants from a dragon's breath.

It should feel like exploring another planet from our own, with its different races, countries, continents, islands and such. We don't have a sleeping dragon that wraps around the poles, sentient gelatin blobs, or people that tower above forests, now do we?”


“It is very skeletal, you can run around on the game's maps and fight enemies, talk to people in the first town, get quests in the surrounding areas. Battles use a modified version of the default, game has different difficulty levels such as Streamer mode, Normal, Hard, etc. There is the beginnings of a day-night and weather system, as well.

There is a tutorial fishing event and one cave containing five floors to explore, and several dozen maps, 100+ maps that are 70x70 tiles or made up of almost 5000 tiles apiece, that are explorable and just need the quests, NPCs and enemies added. (It is best to stick to the 32 'Lakeland Field' maps, 48 'Lakeside Cliffs' and 16 'Lakeland Town' maps at this time as those have the highest completion rate, even if you can technically explore a few others) 180+ maps out of over 1000 planned for just the first island. (As of this Thursday afternoon, 9/21 at this moment, there are 1082 maps in the editor)

There's the beginnings of an explorable sky world known as 'Skyhaven' that is a world of clouds and celestial beings.”


“The price will not change upon exiting Early Access.”


“Through the project's Discord, the Community discussion boards, and content updates. Also monthly to quarterly updates about the project's goals, and patch releases and other releases from time to time.”


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Dragon Kingdoms: A Legend's Beginning is an RPG that seeks to recapture a long-gone era when games were more than just graphics and FMV cutscenes. They were fun. It takes place on a world that has been nearly torn apart by a war that happened long ago, between thirteen races, of which only a few remain.

Fishing! (fish off logs or rocks in or near bodies of water) You start with a default rod and default bait but can upgrade through the course of the game. It's even said that fish can be found in pools of acid or even in lava, and if you're lucky (or unlucky?) you can catch a 'fish' big enough to pull you in!

Spelunking! (the Hills Cave southwest of Lakeland Town right at the start of the game is said to be endless. Whether or not this is true, the monsters within get stronger and stronger as one progresses)

Combat! (like most any RPG, there is combat, and in this case, it's turn-based, side view. There are currently dozens of monsters you'll face and this number will increase as development progresses.)

Fast Travel! (for your convenience, there are multiple forms of fast travel that operate in a tiered system, from shrines on the map that take you to waypoints on various parts of the map, to a traveler that takes you to other parts of the starting island, to a friendly giant that can take you to other parts of the nearby continent, and even a dragon that can fly you around the world! And there are STILL other forms of fast travel)

Adventure! (true, there are roads strung across several maps, but some of the best stuff is found off the beaten path- such as a sunken treasure chest in a pond, a cave that requires a canoe or boat to enter, a nearly lost civilization that lives in the mountaintops...)

Questing! (there are quests that you can undertake, such as helping a surveyor for a new road into the mountains defeat some monsters that have been slowing down work, or stopping a massive bird from terrorizing nearby travelers, or even finding out just what IS up with this guy known as 'The Traveler' that continuously tracks everything the party does?)

Upgrading (you might decide that Frosty Sword is worth keeping around and forge it into a Frosty Sword +1, +2, +3... there's something to be said about a tough old blade. Whether it is up to using it over shiny new equipment is another question)

Minigames! (get on a friendly giant's shoulders and have him carry you across the land! But he'll come across some dangers, too. Jumping over obstacles, fighting tough enemies, or even finding a superboss or two- sometimes the troubles get bigger when you are bigger.)


    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统 *: Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
    • 处理器: Intel Core i3-4340 or better
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Compatible OpenGL / VRAM 1GB or better
    • 存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间
    • 附注事项: 1280x768 or better Display
    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统: Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • 附注事项: 1920x1080 or better Display
* 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。


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